Handmade Embroidery, a brilliant pearl in China, is one of excellent traditional Chinese craft. Art Technique for Embroidery is consisting of pulling coloured silk threads through a silk material with needles to stitch coloured patterns and words that have been previously designed on the ground. Chinese embroidery distributes widely with distinctive feature. But Silk Embroidery is a most representative of Chinese embroidery as well as it occupied important status in Chinese history of arts and crafts. Silk Embroidery is the most famous handmade craft in China and renowned to the world for its refinement, elegance and beauty. During ancient times, Silk Embroidery only supplied for royal family and aristocrats and symbolized social status.

According to stitch methods, there are two styles which are cross stitch embroidery and flat stitch embroidery. In the craft, there are one-side embroidery and double-side embroidery. In process of embroidering, there are many types of stitches, such as irregular stitch, crisscross stitch, vertical stitch, knot stitch, rolling stitch, and shi stitch etc. And Technics for crisscross stitches is applied silk threads with needle irregularly on the background of mixed colour threads to stitch article to make it realistic forms. Double-side embroidery mean that is identical in patterns and colour in both sides and use the same

embroidering method that does not show the joins in the stitches. And double-side embroidery with varied colour, patterns and stitches refers it's different in colour, patterns and stitches on one background silk of each side and it make person enjoy extraordinary artistic product. This craft work is unprecedented in history of Silk Embroidery and even in the history of Chinese embroidery.


The birthplace for Silk Embroidery is in Suzhou City, south of the Yangtze River,also it's aritst LinYing Wang's birthplace.It has temperate climate and surrounding area is suitable for raising silk and planting mulberry trees. Some factors, such as favoured with the advantaged circumstance, beautiful brocade and multicolored threads, offer good condition for developing of Silk Embroidery. According to the history records, a large amount of embroidered products used by royal family in ancient time were made by Su embroiderers.


Silk Embroidery is very exquisite in thickness of silk thread s, on second of silk thread is called on ply, one-twelve named one strand. Cleaving silk thread is separated one thread into almost hundred of hairlike strands. In embroidering, it's very important to use silk threads reasonably and pay attention to variety of stitching pattern lines.


Among the common people, embroidering applied in garment, play clothing, bedcover, pillowcase, vamp, small bag etc. Widely. These embroidering articles with rich needlewook, elegant colour and auspicious patterns for daily use make people pleasure to life and culture.
Characteristic for Silk Embroidery is flat, neat, fine, close, harmony, bright, even and smooth.